3 Tips On How To Write Content For A Website

If you are a content marketer, your content is your bread and butter, when building your business and keeping visitors on your website.

It’s not your fancy looking website.

It’s high quality content that is engaging, informative, and provides value to your readers.


I get many of my ideas from others who are in the same niche as I am.

However, I never copy the same post to my site. I take the idea and put it into my own words.

In fact, many times what I do is, write my post by gathering information from 3 or 4 websites that are talking about the same concept.

After which, I write a post in my own words based on what I have read.

Thus, original content. Not hard at all.


What does your audience want to know about?

This is where keywords come in.

Keywords are words or phrases that help your audience find articles on the information they are looking for.

For example, if your audience were looking for ‘Ways to make money from home’.

You would want to write an article about making money from home and use the phrase ‘Ways to make money from home’ in the title of your article and in the first paragraph.

After that, use that same phrase later in your article depending upon how long your article is.

You don’t want to use it too many times. Google tends to not like that.

Keywords are what the search engines used to help your audience find what they want.


Your headline is your first impression to your audience.

The headline is what helps them determine whether or not they want to read your article.

Your audience should be able to read your headline and determine what the article is about.

Try several headlines to capture your audience’s attention.


Writing content for your website should address the issues your audience is having.

What are their concerns?

What are their priorities?

This is where understanding your target audience comes in.

You want to answer their questions before they even know they have a question.

You can also answer the question when they ask. No need to be psychic.

Answering your audience’s question will help you gain their trust.


This might be a pet peeve of mind, but maybe not.

After all the effort and time you have invested in creating content for your website, you don’t want a few common typos to undermine the credibility of your content.

Happy Blogging!

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About Doug Rossello

Doug is building a business part-time while working full-time overnight, that will supplement his retirement after he has finished his full-time career. On Doug’s blog, you will find information that he has compiled over the years while building his business. It is his hope that some of this information will be useful to you as you build your business. Some of the tips and short-cuts that you will on his site will include. Blogging about building a successful business. Social media tricks, some of which you may have heard about, but maybe some you have not. The areas that Doug used the most were Blogging, Twitter, and Facebook. Feel free to look around and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.