Twitter – You Don’t Need More Followers

Sharing a video I made about why you don’t need more followers.

What you really need is more engagement.

Sure it would be nice to have 100,000 followers, but what’s the point if don’t engage in your tweets.

Stay within your niche.

I would rather have 1000 engaged followers than 100,000 quiet people.

Enjoy the video. Hope it helps.

About Doug Rossello

Doug is building a business part-time while working full-time overnight, that will supplement his retirement after he has finished his full-time career. On Doug’s blog, you will find information that he has compiled over the years while building his business. It is his hope that some of this information will be useful to you as you build your business. Some of the tips and short-cuts that you will on his site will include. Blogging about building a successful business. Social media tricks, some of which you may have heard about, but maybe some you have not. The areas that Doug used the most were Blogging, Twitter, and Facebook. Feel free to look around and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

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